Silent Hill 2's original developers initially wanted the remake to include "drastic changes"

by Danny Craig  · 
Silent Hill 2's original developers initially wanted the remake to include "drastic changes"

Silent Hill 2 Remake producer Motoi Okamoto has shared that the developers of the original game wanted to make even more major changes in the remake leading Bloober Team to push back against some of the suggestions.

The details:

  • Okamoto revealed in a new interview with Famitsu (translated by VGC) how Bloober Team collaborated with publisher Konami and the original Silent Hill 2 developers to ensure the remake struck a good balance of new and old story and gameplay elements. “The Japanese staff, including Masahiro Ito, the designer who worked on the original version, and Akira Yamaoka, the sound designer, said ‘we want to change this part’, while on the other hand Bloober Team often replied saying ‘no, we don’t want to change this’,” the producer explained. “Sometimes the opinions clashed, but in the end I think we managed to get it right. I think you’ll see in the latest trailer that while it’s been reborn in a modern style, we’ve retained the good qualities of the original version.”

  • When asked why the developers wanted to make such drastic changes, the producer explained that "game creators don't want to make the same thing they created all over again," and that they wanted to give players a fresh experience compared to the 2001 game. Despite this, the Bloober Team argued against some of the changes in order to create a "highly faithful" remake.

  • The remake of Silent Hill 2 has received mixed reactions since the release of its combat trailer earlier this year, with many fans arguing that a focus on more modern third-person combat goes against the series' horror aspect. The Bloober Team quickly responded to the complaints, claiming that it "does not reflect the spirit of the game."

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