Netflix is working on over 80 games and plans to release new titles monthly moving forward
by Hitmarker

Netflix Games
With over 80 games currently in development and a new strategy to release games monthly, executives at Netflix are aiming to enhance their entertainment ecosystem and keep subscribers engaged with their favorite IP.
The details:
- During a recent earnings call, Netflix executives outlined their vision for making the streaming giant's gaming offerings more diverse than ever. Co-CEO/President Gregory K. Peters stated, "We have lots more, including very different types of games yet to come in the quarters and years ahead."
- Gaming is a crucial part of Netflix’s business plan, with games seen as the ideal mechanism for keeping its streaming users engaged on the platform during breaks between episodes and seasons of shows like Stranger Things, Squid Game, and The Queen's Gambit.
- Peters also revealed that the company plans to release a new title to its subscribers monthly from now on, with the majority based on existing Netflix shows like those mentioned above. "One of the things that really is working is connecting our members with games based on specific Netflix IP that they love."
- Interestingly, the Co-CEO/President shared that Netflix has already made around $150 billion from its gaming initiative in the three years since its launch. Engagement tripled in 2023 and has grown again so far this year, with the streaming platform having now released over 100 games.
Other Netflix news:
- It has been reported that Netflix’s adaptation of PlayStation’s Horizon series is no longer going ahead due to allegations of toxic behavior leveled against showrunner Steve Blackman.
Other gaming news:
- Images of a style guide for the upcoming Minecraft movie have surfaced online, just days after Jack Black's Tenacious D controversy, providing fans with their first look at the actor as protagonist Steve.
- A pre-release build of Saber Interactive's Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 has leaked online, and the game appears to be fully playable from beginning to end.