How to get into gaming: A panel with Virtuos
by Adam Fitch
Hitmarker teamed up with game development company Virtuos to deliver an expert panel on getting into gaming.
The event: The event was hosted in Hitmarker's Discord and took place on June 22.
- Six experienced Virtuos employees spanning animation to recruitment, across both Europe and North America, took to the stage to share insight into breaching the industry.
- The event then moved on to a lengthy networking session, with dedicated areas for the specific roles held by the panelists. These sessions lasted for hours and produced plenty of positive feedback from attendees.
- Not to brag but the event was our most attended to date, with attendee retention through the roof too for good measure. Be sure to stay up to date with any upcoming events by following Hitmarker on Twitter!
The panel: It focused exclusively on getting an entry-level role in gaming.
- The panel consisted of Desirae Norem, Lead Animator (EU); Eric Berenguer Ibar, Senior Sound Designer (EU); Pauline GRIMAULT, Producer (Management Trainee) (EU); Kirsten Kennedy, Studio Director (NA); Milena Gerber, Recruiter (EU); and Neha Verma, Recruiter (NA).
- It's important to research companies and choose wisely when it comes to where you're applying, especially when you're looking to make your mark. Expectations vary depending on the seniority of roles and every business has its own infrastructure. The following quote touches on just that.
- "The thing that's really hard for everybody is that, generally, we aren't standardized across the industry so within some companies an entry-level production job might be a junior producer but in other companies it might be an associate or an assistant producer."
- If you've ever received career advice then no doubt networking would have popped up as an imperative exercise to carry out. There's a reason for that! As the next quote reiterates, making connections can play a huge part in breaking into the industry and progressing.
- "Networking is incredibly crucial and I feel very fortunate that I got where I am with the lack of networking I've done. I probably could have gotten here much faster had I been a little more outgoing. Don't be afraid to talk to someone!"
- Watch the full video to catch more gems like the above.