Sony has signed an exclusivity deal with Marvel for X-Men games until 2035, leak reveals

by Danny Craig  · 
Sony has signed an exclusivity deal with Marvel for X-Men games until 2035, leak reveals

Sony has signed a deal with Marvel to keep X-Men games exclusive to PlayStation until 2035, according to data from the Insomniac Games hack.

The details:

  • The terms of the deal are detailed in a document shared in the Insomniac leak, stating that Marvel will not be allowed to release or even announce any X-Men games on non-PlayStation platforms between now and December 31, 2035, and that the franchise's characters cannot be used as a "competitive advantage" in games on other platforms.

  • It was also made clear that Marvel still retains the rights to distribute some older X-Men titles from the 1990s, as well as children's games, and characters such as Wolverine can still appear in games featuring a mix of franchises such as the Avengers.

  • According to one slide, Insomniac's Wolverine game will be released in 2026, followed by the first X-Men title in 2030 and a follow-up in 2033. Wolverine Online and X-Men Online are also mentioned, with 2026 and 2028 release dates, respectively. Each game will have a development budget of at least $120 million, with a marketing budget of $30 million, and will be available on PlayStation and PC.

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