Square Enix Montreal rebrands as Studio Onoma

by Adam Fitch  · 
Square Enix Montreal rebrands as Studio Onoma
Studio Onoma

Square Enix Montreal is no more, making way for Studio Onoma, though the studio will still focus on "creativity and innovation."

The timeline: The studio is entering a new era.

The rebrand: The process started in May, the same month as its acquisition was announced.

  • The studio was quick to establish that it's still fundamentally the same despite the identity change, stating that it will continue to put people before products.
  • It explained in an announcement that Onoma is Greek for name and "names offer endless possibilities."
  • "Our goal was to provide space to discuss who we’ve been, who we are, and who we want to be," said the studio. "A rebrand is much more than a name. It is the representation of our dreams, ambitions, and values."
  • It chronicled the rebranding process in detail in a post on its new website.
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