Airport Ground Handling Simulator VR: Experience the thrills of airport operations in virtual reality

by Rachel Lyon  · 
Airport Ground Handling Simulator VR: Experience the thrills of airport operations in virtual reality

AVIAR B.V., a Netherlands-based software development company, has recently released a new virtual reality game called "Airport Ground Handling Simulator VR". The game is an innovative and exciting experience that allows players to step into the shoes of a ground-handling agent and experience the complex and challenging work of managing an airport.

Airport Ground Handling Simulator VR provides players with a realistic simulation of the ground handling process, including loading and unloading baggage, catering, fueling, and guiding planes to their proper gates. The game features a variety of different planes, including commercial airliners and private jets, and players must use specialized equipment and vehicles to complete each task.

The VR title is available on the Steam platform and is compatible with a variety of virtual reality headsets, including the Oculus Quest. Its graphics are stunning, and players can explore a fully-realized airport environment complete with runways, terminals, and other landmarks.

Players begin their journey as junior ground handlers, and they must work their way up the ranks by completing tasks and earning points. As players progress, they unlock new equipment and vehicles, allowing them to take on more challenging tasks.


One of the unique features of Airport Ground Handling Simulator VR is its focus on realism. The developers worked with real-life ground handlers and airport professionals to ensure that the game accurately represents the challenges and complexities of the job.

You can find the Airport Ground Handling Simulator VR experience here.

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