Nintendo finally speaks on recent Switch 2 leaks, accessories maker clarifies it has not seen the actual console

by Danny Craig  · 
Nintendo finally speaks on recent Switch 2 leaks, accessories maker clarifies it has not seen the actual console

Following a week of leaks from various sources about the Switch 2, Nintendo has finally responded to the reports, while accessories manufacturer Genki clarifies that it has not actually seen the console despite claims that it had created an accurate replica.

The details:

  • Over the last week, new alleged details about the Switch 2 have emerged online, including an "accurate" 3D model recreation of the device, reports of mouse-like functionality with its new Joy-Con controllers, and physical replica systems being used to showcase third-party concepts at CES 2025.

  • In a statement to Japanese publication Sankei, a Nintendo representative simply stated that the leaks are "not official" images or videos. Speaking to CNET Japan (via Automaton), the company also stated that Genki's CES dummy model of the Switch 2 is "unofficial and was not provided to the company by us."

  • Genki has also confirmed to Game*Spark that the replica system used to demonstrate its planned accessories was based on leaks and that they had not seen the actual console. This contradicts what a company representative implied earlier this week, when they claimed Genki had seen the actual Switch 2 and based the model directly on it.

  • Following the clarifying statement, it is unclear whether the details shared by Genki CEO Eddie Tsai about the Switch 2's Joy-Cons potentially being capable of mouse-like movement are factually correct or if he was also echoing previous leaks.

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