Footage of Free Radical’s canceled TimeSplitters game has been shared online

Following the studio's closure last year, a former Free Radical developer has shared gameplay footage of its canceled TimeSplitters project.
The details:
Rob Steptoe, the developer's former head of art, shared five minutes of footage from "TimeSplitters Next" on LinkedIn, showcasing the game's third-person Fortnite-like gameplay. The game included many franchise-defining elements, such as weapons and characters from previous games, as well as a health bar in the style of GoldenEye 007.
The title began development as a Fortnite clone, which explains the similarities in the UI, gun rarity system, item shop, and combat, but was later changed to an alternate universe remake of TimeSplitters 2. It mostly consisted of levels from the second game, with some Future Perfect and entirely new levels included.
Free Radical was reopened in 2021 with the intention of rebooting the popular franchise after years of inactivity. Only two years later, in December 2023, parent company Plaion closed the studio as part of Embracer Group's restructuring plan.
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