Fan-made Marathon revival is coming to Steam with Bungie's permission

It has been announced that Classic Marathon, a revival of Bungie’s original 1994 shooter, will be released on Steam as a free download.
The details:
The title is being developed by the team behind Aleph One, an open-source engine based on Marathon 2's source code, and will remain true to the original release while also incorporating a number of changes to meet modern standards.
The enhancements include full widescreen support, 60+ FPS interpolation for smoother animations, positional audio, and cross-platform multiplayer for PC, Mac, and Linux users.
Bungie has also fully approved the release as it prepares to reboot the franchise. "Yup, this is real, and will be free," Bungie told PC Gamer. "We're very supportive of the Marathon community and Aleph One's dedication here to bring the original Marathon to PC, Linux, and Mac for everyone to experience, with cross-platform play available in multiplayer. This is a true tribute to the original game!"
Classic Marathon's release date is currently unknown, but it will most likely launch on Steam before the Marathon reboot, which is expected in 2025.
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