Impressive Character Movements and Physics Showcased in Solo Developed Game

by Hitmarker  · 
Impressive Character Movements and Physics Showcased in Solo Developed Game

A solo game developer is currently in the early stages of creating "Sixthorns," a beat 'em up game that places a strong emphasis on physics-based combat. Through social media channels, the developer has been sharing glimpses of the game's development progress, generating anticipation among gamers.

In "Sixthorns," combat takes on a dynamic and realistic edge, thanks to its robust physics system. Players can engage in action-packed battles where they can hit, throw objects, and even crush opponents with environmental elements, such as columns.

The game offers a wide array of weaponry, from firearms and explosives to blades and blunt instruments, along with consumable items. Remarkably, "Sixthorns" allows players to truly interact with and destroy the game environment, creating a highly immersive gaming experience.

Notably, the developer recently transitioned from Unity to Unreal Engine 5 due to concerns surrounding Unity's pricing model. This move has enabled the game to showcase even more impressive character movements and physics.

Keep up to date with Sixthorns development here.

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