CD Projekt Red is laying off approximately 30 Gwent developers

by Danny Craig  · 
CD Projekt Red is laying off approximately 30 Gwent developers
CD Projekt

Witcher developer CD Projekt Red has confirmed that it has made the decision to let go of around 30 employees that had worked on its card game, Gwent, as its development winds down.

The details:

  • The studio announced in a new statement that a portion of the former Gwent team members had been relocated to other areas of the company but that approximately 30 employees would be leaving throughout the second half of 2023. According to a spokesperson (via IGN), four of those affected will leave the studio in June, with the number gradually increasing until everyone has been let go.
  • The decision to reduce the team size comes after it was announced that Gwent would no longer receive "official" updates after 2023, with the community voting on future balancing changes and a new progression system. Outside of the in-game changes, CD Projekt Red stated that it would assign a small team to keep the game alive, with the goal of keeping Gwent playable for years to come.
  • This is the company's third round of layoffs, with The Molasses Flood restructuring in May after Project Sirius development was restarted. Spokko, the mobile studio behind The Witcher: Monster Slayer, was dissolved after the game was announced to be shutting down this year, with some of its employees being hired by CD Projekt Red and others being laid off.

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