Netflix's Latest Job Listing Hints at Development of New Comedy Game

by Hitmarker Β· 7/21/23, 2:19 PM
Netflix's Latest Job Listing Hints at Development of New Comedy Game

The streaming giant, Netflix revealed plans to step into the gaming industry last year, offering video games to its subscribers without any additional cost. This decision marks a major shift in Netflix's business strategy and has garnered considerable attention within the entertainment sector.

To spearhead this new endeavor, Netflix is currently in the process of building its internal game studio. The studio's primary focus will be on developing a unique class of social party video games with a strong emphasis on comedy. These games are intended to provide subscribers with engaging and hilarious gaming experiences, integrating Netflix's iconic content into the gameplay.

To bring this vision to life, Netflix is seeking a talented Comedy Content Designer to join their newly-formed cross-discipline core team. The ideal candidate will possess a deep understanding of comedy, demonstrated through their ability to craft funny dialogue and engaging user prompts. Comedy will play a crucial role in setting the narrative tone of these games, ensuring that players have a fun and enjoyable experience.

The successful candidate will utilize content writing tools to create and curate content, making use of their technical expertise and previous experience writing for games. Additionally, the role includes directing voice talent, so having a great sense of timing and the ability to connect with actors to bring out outstanding performances is highly valued.

The responsibilities of the Content Designer will be multifaceted, covering content creation, character and narrative development, joke writing, editorial tasks, voiceover coordination, tool shaping, implementation within the Unity project.

You can apply for the role here.

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