Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will take up 150GB across two discs

by Danny Craig  · 
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will take up 150GB across two discs
Square Enix

It has been confirmed that those who purchase the physical version of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will require two discs to play the title on PlayStation 5, but disc swapping will remain a thing of the past.

The details:

  • In an interview with GameInformer, game director Naoki Hamaguchi explained why the second part of the remake requires two separate Blu-Ray discs. The answer, predictably, was that the development team would have to scale back its original plans for the world outside of Midgar to fit the game onto a single disc, instead opting to split it into 100GB and 50GB discs. "Square had always envisioned Rebirth as a massive, highly detailed world more immersive than Remake’s revamped Midgar,” Hamaguchi explained. “Thus, squeezing it on a single Blu-ray would have forced the designers to scale back on content and ideas, so doubling up on discs became the obvious solution.”
  • Back in June, Square Enix confirmed that the game would be released on two discs, prompting some fans to wonder how big the game truly is, while others reminisced about the original Final Fantasy VII, which required players to swap between its four PlayStation discs at various points in the story to progress. You won't have to do that this time as you'll need to install both before playing the game, so you'll only need one disc from then on.
  • In the interview, the developers also reminded fans that, as with the first part of the Remake, many plot points have been changed slightly or moved entirely, providing a different experience than the original PlayStation game. It has also been designed to allow new players to enter Rebirth without first playing Remake, with all save data left behind.

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