What does "RGB" mean in gaming? Explained
What does RGB mean in gaming?
RGB stands for “red, green, and blue”. It’s a color model, a system that allows us to assign numerical values to different color combinations. Red, green, and blue are each given a value between 0-255, and between them can generate millions of unique colors through the different possibilities that exist.
RGB is a common feature to be found in PC hardware and peripherals targeted at gamers. It allows them to adjust the colors of their setup to no end — which is something people will expect when buying top-of-the-line equipment.

Why has RGB gained so much popularity?
In the past decade, gamers have been given more options when it comes to the overall aesthetic of their PC (and even console) builds. Before the popularity of RGB, the amount you could customize your setup was pretty minimal. You could opt for all-black components, all-white components, and much else.
Now the possibilities are endless. Peripheral companies started showing off mechanical keyboards with complete RGB lighting in the mid-2010s — 16 million colors, customizable in any way you wanted! The trend quickly grew, to the point where RGB lighting is pretty much expected in every major product announcement nowadays.
What type of devices offer RGB?
Most mid to high-end PC hardware and peripherals come with RGB now. The most common type is addressable lighting, which gives the user the option to set their own colors and/or patterns through software that comes with the product.
Sticks of RAM, graphics cards, motherboards, cases, and fans tend to be the most common pieces of hardware to come with some form of RGB option available.
Peripherals such as keyboards, mice, headphones, and even mouse pads have become super popular amongst the gaming community with most brands ensuring that nearly all of their gaming-focused products have RGB as a selling point.
Are there any benefits or cons to RGB?
Outside of making your PC look cool (and lighting your room up if you play in the dark), there’s no known benefits or cons to having RGBs in your setup. Unfortunately, despite common opinion, it’s not a ladder right up to the pro levels of League of Legends. But oh, how we wish it was.