Tower Princess: A Roguelike Action Game with a Unique Art Style

by Hitmarker  · 
Tower Princess: A Roguelike Action Game with a Unique Art Style
Tower Princess

Tower Princess casts players into a role of a knight on a mission to free captured royals and confront a formidable Evil Dragon. Marketed as a 3D roguelike platformer, the game blends action with romance as players navigate procedurally generated dungeons and forge connections with the rescued princesses and princes.

The premise of Tower Princess is straightforward: players undertake the role of a knight, venturing through a series of dynamically created dungeons that harbor traps and adversarial creatures. The ultimate goal is to dethrone the reigning Evil Dragon and restore tranquility to the realm. An intriguing twist is the inclusion of dating mechanics, where players must manage to win the affections of the rescued royals through well-coordinated dates.

Tower Princess

One distinguishing aspect of Tower Princess is the melding of 3D platforming and roguelike gameplay. This amalgamation bestows each playthrough with a unique character, as players opt for a knight suited to their preferred playstyle. The choice of weaponry plays a pivotal role in success. From the close-quarters combat prowess of a sword to the tactical advantages of a long rifle for ranged engagements, players must align their choice with their strategic inclinations. The weaponry can also be upgraded to encompass additional features, augmenting the gameplay depth.

The game's tone is notably lighthearted, with an atmosphere that encourages persistence over perfection. This, however, should not belie the game's underlying complexity. Tower Princess draws inspiration from a spectrum of sources, including classic adventure games, 3D platformers, and the challenge-oriented ethos of the Dark Souls series.

Find the game on Steam here.

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