Nintendo is "a haven for geniuses" but "hell" for the average worker, former employee says

by Danny Craig  · 
Nintendo is "a haven for geniuses" but "hell" for the average worker, former employee says

Veteran artist Koichi Miura has shared his thoughts on his time at Nintendo, stating that despite it being a "wonderful" company, working there was "hell" for the average employee.

The details:

  • Miura, who has worked as an artist for Bandai Namco, Square Enix, and, most recently, Nintendo, has shared his thoughts on working at the legendary Japanese developer on X. He believes that the company is only suitable for those who are exceptionally talented in their respective roles, rather than the average industry employee. “Nintendo is an incredible company, but I wouldn’t lightly recommend it to others,” Miura said (translation via Automaton). “It was like a haven for geniuses and superhumans, but for an average person like me, it was hell.”

  • The artist then clarified that this was not a dig at the company, stating that he believes its employees are "wonderful people" and Nintendo is "a really good company". He also shared that he gained the confidence to pursue other goals while working there and has no "single regret for having aspired to work there, getting the job, and then ultimately quitting it."

  • Following the creation of the thread, Miura explained to Encount that his motivation for sharing his experience was not to discourage anyone from pursuing a career at the company but rather to share the personal struggles he faced while working there.

  • In a previous post, he shared his salary information starting in 1999, shedding more light on what those in Japan looking to get into the industry can expect across various roles and experience levels. He states that his end goal is to improve working conditions and transparency within the country.

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