Impressive Batman Arkham-Inspired FreeFlow Combat System for Unreal Engine 5

by Hitmarker  · 
Impressive Batman Arkham-Inspired FreeFlow Combat System for Unreal Engine 5

Solo game developer, Just1Dev is currently developing a FreeFlow combat mechanics for Unreal Engine 5, a system reminiscent of the fluid and adaptable fighting style featured in popular games like Batman and Spiderman. This combat style, famously known from the Batman Arkham game series, allows for seamless and acrobatic combat encounters.

Originally created using Unreal Engine 3 by Rocksteady Studios, Just1Dev is now adapting the FreeFlow combat system to be compatible with both Unreal Engine 4 and 5, opening up possibilities for a broader range of game developers to implement this engaging combat mechanic into their projects.

The FreeFlow combat system, as seen in the Batman Arkham series, kicks into action after reaching a two-multiplier combo, with a distinct shift in gameplay marked by slow-motion effects and sound cues. This adds depth and variety to combat encounters, allowing players to initiate FreeFlow in various ways, such as combining strikes and maneuvers.

While there is currently no specific timeframe for the completion of Just1Dev's FreeFlow combat system, it remains uncertain if they have plans to release it to the public. However, the progress clips shared showcase a promising and impressive development of this beloved combat mechanic.

Follow more developments on Just1Dev's YouTube channel.

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