Gameplay of Creative Assembly’s HYENAS’ alpha has leaked online
by Danny Craig

Creative Assembly
A playtester on YouTube has leaked new gameplay from Creative Assembly's alpha for the upcoming shooter HYENAS.
The details:
- On March 28, Brazilian YouTube user BaianoBR uploaded a video of a full 20-minute round of the game. The game, as expected, is entirely in Portuguese, and the video features the rather unpleasant sounds of Baiano's keyboard clicking throughout, but it is otherwise the clearest look we'll get at the game for the time being. The game has yet to be officially shown to the public since its announcement in June 2022, though given its 2023 release date, we should see something soon.
- The gameplay appears to be consistent with what previous playtesters have said. In a three-man squad, players can choose from nine different unique characters and must fight both AI and other player squads over loot found on the map before attempting the extract to secure the items, which are exchanged for in-game currency if successful. The game's lighter tone distinguishes it from other extraction shooters, with many of the extractable items being unexpectedly valuable, with Sonic the Hedgehog plush toys and other trinkets being the most sought after, and characters shouting playful voice lines throughout the match.
- Insider Gaming spoke with a number of playtesters earlier this year, and the overall reaction to the game was mixed. Some players praised the gunplay, while others were disappointed by the lack of recoil and bullet sponge enemies, but the majority seemed to enjoy the game's cartoonish graphics. Another big hit was the map's zero-gravity zones, which can be seen in the video, that allowed players to float around and engage in aerial combat as well as bounce off walls. More changes to gameplay elements are likely when the final product is released at some point on all major platforms, but the core foundation appears to be in place.
Other recent gaming leaks and rumors:
- A Twitter user who claims to have gameplay footage for the upcoming first-person action-adventure title Avatar: Frontier of Pandora has shared screenshots of the game. The open-world game is being built on the Snowdrop engine, which is also rumored to be used instead of Crytek's CryEngine in the next Far Cry game.
- At E3 in June, Konami is expected to reveal both a new Castlevania game and a remake of fan favorite Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The remakes of Metal Gear Solid 3 and Silent Hill 2 are allegedly being used to test the waters for future remakes of some of Konami's most notable franchises as the company tries to win back fans after the poorly received Metal Gear Survive in 2015.