PlayStation consoles will no longer be able to access X/Twitter soon

PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles, removing the ability to share clips, screenshots, and other content.
The details:
Sony has posted a notice on its support website stating that X integration will be discontinued on November 13. Players will no longer be able to use the console's share function to directly upload or view content such as trophies, game clips, and screenshots.
It is unknown why the functionality has been discontinued; however, Microsoft also removed X integration from the Xbox in April due to a change in pricing to access the platform's API. Higher costs, combined with CEO Elon Musk's constant controversial changes, are most likely to blame for its removal.
Sony has now shared alternative methods of sharing content from the PS4/5, including the PlayStation mobile app, where users can download their clips and screenshots and then post them to X using the platform's own app. Players can also use the more traditional and time-consuming method of transferring content to a USB drive or external hard drive, which can then be transferred to a PC.
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