5 AI Tools to Help with your Job Search

by Rachel Lyon  · 
5 AI Tools to Help with your Job Search

With the advancement of AI tools providing assistance in many things, we thought we'd showcase some tools that might aid your job search. Whether you're needing that professional headshot, interview practice, a resume review, or more, these tools could help you!

  1. Interviewsby.ai is the perfect place to practice the interview stage. With custom-tailored mock interviews, you can get real-time feedback from ChatGPT.
  2. Jobhunnt.com lets you streamline your job search process by creating resumes and cover letters tailored to each job application in just one click.
  3. Jobscan.co is a tool that helps optimize resumes to get more interviews by providing active feedback and giving you a 'match rate'.
  4. Aragon.ai helps you get that perfect headshot. This site takes your selfies and turns them into professional headshots!
  5. Getexistential.com is a career exploration tool that analyses your interests, skills, and values to create personalized career recommendations.

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