This job listing expired on May 2, 2024

Lycus is a newly founded organization that is looking to branch out through content. Lycus currently is competing at the top level of Rainbow6 having a Challenger League Team + an Academy Roster. We compete in Valorant, Siege, and CS: GO.


  • Coordinate the content provided by creators etc.
  • Schedule times to create content with members of the organization.
  • Generate new content ideas to schedule a weekly number of uploads for the organization's outreach and branding.

What we expect:

We want this individual to have an outgoing personality being able to come up with entertaining but funny videos per week. We want to produce 1-3 videos a week with the insight of our editor's workload. The more work you put into the organization and the content base the more we will raise the salary.

Send over your resume and we shall respond in 1-2 business days. Any further questions can be addressed in direct messages!