
SEED is a pioneering group within Electronic Arts, combining creativity with applied research. We explore, build and help define the future of interactive entertainment.

We exist at EA to deliver and foster inspiring innovation for our games and our players. We do this through exploration, research, prototypes, and never-ending curiosity. We collaborate with game teams and industry partners and also publish our research within our industry and to the public. We pursue long-term applied research yet stay relevant to the present by delivering artifacts along the way to game teams and technology groups inside EA. Some of our research includes bringing digital characters to life, using machine learning for game AI and content creation, and developing novel real-time graphics & physics techniques.

We are looking for a Senior Physics Engineer - a physics programmer with a wide gamut of applied research experience with simulation techniques and technologies - to work on the future of real-time simulation to deliver world-class experiences for our players.

You excel at implementing novel solutions to complex real-time physics challenges and know how to strike a balance between quality and performance. You have mastered real-time rigid body simulation but understand its limitations, and you have ideas about how to improve upon it. You are excited to explore new simulation techniques for highly dynamic and malleable worlds. Perhaps we've already seen you speak at GDC or SIGGRAPH, read the papers or articles you've published, or even played some of the games you have worked on.

This role is a flexible hybrid onsite role from one of our EA offices in Canada, and it offers an opportunity for remote work. You will report to our rendering research vector leader.

As a Senior Physics Engineer at SEED, you will:

  • Bring new ideas, discuss, and implement solutions to some of the most complex video game real-time physics challenges to create differentiation for EA

  • Research novel physics and simulation technology, and applications for use cases in games.

  • Build demos that showcase novel applications of physics techniques.

  • Contribute to the delivery of novel physics technology, from the R&D workbench into products at EA, in partnership with game teams and central technology groups.

  • Collaborate with other developers at SEED on projects where your unique expertise will create novelty across SEED's projects that live at the intersection of many domains.

  • Collaborate with game teams and central technology groups to understand their requirements better and bring expertise in overlapping areas.

  • Share your work through publications, open-sourcing, and speaking at conferences.

As a diverse team with solid goals, we provide autonomy and true influence to each member of SEED. We are looking for an open and curious person; someone who gets a kick out of taking new ideas, investigating them, and adapting their application to games. You have a desire to explore new areas of game development - someone who is passionate, creative, communicative, and invested.


  • A degree in computer science, physics, or any other relevant field.

  • 7+ years of relevant experience: working directly on game physics, engine or middleware development, or as an applied researcher in a relevant field.

  • Advanced level of real-time physics and game development knowledge.

  • Experience researching and optimizing for a variety of platforms, with an emphasis on concurrency, memory, and performance, for the context of real-time physics.

  • You are familiar with game engines.

  • You work well within a team and want to collaborate with other researchers, engineers, artists, and designers.

  • Willingness to travel for conferences and visit teams across EA studios.

  • You care about video games.

  • Optionally, you have publications, presentations, or related artifacts in physics or a relevant field.

If you want to be part of—and work with—some of the most incredible people in the field, then SEED is your team!

To learn more about SEED and our impactful work, check out

Ceci ne s’applique pas au Québec.


The base salary ranges listed below are for the defined geographic market pay zones in these locations. If you reside outside of these locations, a recruiter will advise on the base salary range and benefits for your specific location. EA has listed the base salary ranges it in good faith expects to pay applicants for this role in the locations listed, as of the time of this posting. Salary offered will be determined based on numerous relevant business and candidate factors including, for example, education, qualifications, certifications, experience, skills, geographic location, and business or organizational needs.


  • British Columbia (depending on location e.g. Vancouver vs. Victoria): º $133,400 - $193,200 CAN Annually

Base salary is just one part of the overall compensation at EA. We also offer a package of benefits including vacation (3 weeks per year to start), 10 days per year of sick time, paid top-up to EI/QPIP benefits up to 100% of base salary when you welcome a new child (12 weeks for maternity, and 4 weeks for parental/adoption leave), extended health/dental/vision coverage, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement plan to regular full-time employees. Certain roles may also be eligible for bonus and equity.

About Electronic Arts

Everything we do is designed to inspire the world to play. Through our cutting-edge games, innovative services, and powerful technologies, we bring worlds with infinite possibilities to millions of players and fans around the globe.

We’re looking for collaborative and inclusive people with diverse perspectives who will enrich our culture and challenge us. We take a holistic approach with our benefits program, focusing on physical, emotional, financial, career, and community wellness to support our people through every chapter of life. We provide comprehensive benefit packages and support for a balanced life with paid time off and new parent leave, plus free games and so much more. Our goal is to provide a safe and respectful workplace that empowers you to thrive in both work and life.

Electronic Arts is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.