Tips for asking questions during job interviews (and 15 example questions…)


So you've landed a job interview.

You arrived (or logged on) prepared after researching the company, and everything is going smoothly.

However, one particular line might just stop you in your tracks:

"Do you have any questions for me?"

If you're not sure what to ask in this situation, don't worry! We've got some top tips along with 15 examples of the best questions to ask your interviewer(s).

6 tips for asking questions in a job interview

1. Don’t say you have no questions

Ending an interview without asking any questions is generally a bad idea.

Although most of your questions were likely answered during your conversation with your prospective new employer, there is always something you can ask to show that you are more interested in the role beyond the initial application.

2. Prepare open-ended questions

Keeping some open-ended questions on hand is a great way to learn more about the role, as the interviewer will be able to provide more details than a simple yes or no answer.

This also allows you to keep the conversation going by following up on an answer with a related question.

3. Ask job-specific questions

Customizing some general job interview questions to directly address the company and role you're applying for is an excellent way to demonstrate to your potential future employer that you're fully invested in the process.

Try to avoid asking questions about the company that you can find with a simple Google search. Instead, focus on areas such as company culture and the specifics of the position you're applying for. This can also remind the interviewer about your level of experience and dedication.

4. Ask questions during the interview, not just at the end

If there’s one trap many of us have fallen into during an interview, it’s the one of not asking any questions until the interviewer asks you if you have any.

Asking the majority of your questions during the typical back-and-forth of the interview is perfectly normal, and even encouraged. It's much more natural to ask about a specific topic when it comes up rather than saving all of your questions until the end.

Just remember to keep them relevant to the current discussion!

5. Ask questions about details you want to know

Remember to not head into the interview with questions that have the sole purpose of attempting to impress the company.

You should look to find out more about what you’ll be doing in your role than anything else, such as the general structure of your day-to-day, or responsibilities in the job description that might not have been fully explained.

There may be some details about the job that you would not have known unless you asked, and this may influence whether or not you want to pursue the opportunity if you receive an offer after the interview.

6. Don’t ask about benefits and the salary

We know it’s important stuff, but you should refrain from asking about the job’s salary and benefits until after the initial interview.

You haven’t gotten the role just yet, so keep these questions for a little later down the line.

5 good job-specific questions to ask in an interview

  1. What are some of the biggest challenges that someone in this role might face?

  2. What other departments would I be working with in this position?

  3. How long will it be until I am [doing specialized tasks, training others, working with external partners, etc.]?

  4. Do you have any examples of specific projects I may be involved in?

  5. What outcomes might I be expected to achieve during my first few months?

5 great questions to ask about the interviewer and team

  1. What are your biggest concerns about the team/department currently?

  2. How long have you worked for the company?

  3. What’s your favorite thing about your job and/or the company?

  4. What role did you start in and how has your position changed since?

  5. What led you to your current job?

5 of the best questions to ask about the company

  1. What is the company culture like?

  2. Are there opportunities for a future promotion?

  3. How has the company grown over the past few years?

  4. How often is the performance of employees reviewed?

  5. What are the company’s main goals for the next decade?

And there you have it, our list of the 15 best questions to ask an employer in a job interview.

Researching companies (and sometimes people) before you are interviewed by them is extremely important, so please don't overlook it.

Best of luck out there!