Systems Design Jobs in the Video Game Industry: The Ultimate Quick Guide



The video game industry is a rapidly growing and diverse sector, offering a wide range of career opportunities for individuals with various skills and backgrounds. One area that has seen significant growth in recent years is the field of systems design, which includes roles such as gameplay systems designer, economy designer, and artificial intelligence (AI) designer. This article will delve into the different systems design jobs in the video game industry, the skills required, and how to get started.

The Role of Systems Designers in the Video Game Industry

Systems designers in the video game industry are responsible for designing and balancing the underlying mechanics and systems that drive the player experience in a game. They work closely with other game development disciplines, such as game design, programming, and art, to ensure that the systems they create are engaging, balanced, and aligned with the overall vision of the game. Systems designers must have excellent problem-solving, communication, and game design skills, as well as the ability to think analytically and creatively.

Different Systems Design Jobs in the Video Game Industry

  • Gameplay Systems Designer: Gameplay systems designers focus on creating and refining the core mechanics and systems that drive the player experience, such as combat, progression, and exploration. They must have a deep understanding of game design principles, player psychology, and balancing techniques.

  • Economy Designer: Economy designers are responsible for designing and balancing the in-game economies and progression systems, such as currencies, resources, and reward structures. They must have strong analytical skills and an understanding of economic principles, as well as the ability to predict player behavior and balance gameplay elements accordingly.

  • Artificial Intelligence Designer: AI designers create and refine the behaviors and decision-making systems of non-player characters (NPCs) and other game elements. They must have a strong background in programming and AI principles, as well as the ability to design engaging and believable AI systems that enhance the player experience.

Skills Required for Systems Design Jobs

  • Problem-Solving: Systems designers must have excellent problem-solving skills, as they need to identify, analyze, and resolve complex design challenges.

  • Communication: Effective communication is essential for systems designers, as they need to collaborate with other development disciplines and clearly convey their ideas and design intentions.

  • Game Design Knowledge: A deep understanding of game design principles, player psychology, and balancing techniques is crucial for systems designers to create engaging and balanced gameplay experiences.

  • Analytical Thinking: Systems designers must be able to think analytically and predict the impact of their design decisions on the overall player experience, as well as identify and resolve any potential issues or imbalances.

  • Technical Skills: Familiarity with game development tools, programming languages, and design software is important for systems designers to effectively create and implement their systems within a game.

Educational Background and Experience

A formal education in game design, computer science, or a related field is often required for systems design jobs in the video game industry. In addition, many systems design roles require experience in game development or a background in a related discipline, such as programming or mathematics. Aspiring systems designers should focus on building a strong portfolio that showcases their game design and systems design skills, as well as gaining practical experience through internships and part-time/freelance work found on Hitmarker, or personal projects.

Tips for Breaking into Systems Design Careers in the Video Game Industry

  • Build Your Portfolio: Create a comprehensive portfolio that demonstrates your systems design and game development skills. Include examples of your work, such as game prototypes, design documents, or case studies that showcase your systems design expertise.

  • Network: Build relationships with other professionals in the industry by attending events, joining online forums, and engaging in social media groups. Networking can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights from industry veterans.

  • Gain Experience: Acquire practical experience through internships, freelance work, or personal projects. This will not only help you develop your skills but also provide you with valuable contacts and references in the industry.

  • Tailor your application to the company and role: When applying for systems design jobs in the video game industry, make sure to customize your cover letter and resume to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific company and position.

  • Stay Current: Keep up-to-date with industry trends, techniques, and tools by reading articles, watching webinars, and participating in online discussions. Continuously improve your skills and expand your knowledge by taking courses, workshops, or attending industry events.

  • Be Persistent: Breaking into the video game industry can be challenging, but persistence is key. Continue developing your skills, learning from feedback, and improving your portfolio to increase your chances of success.


Systems design jobs in the video game industry offer a diverse range of opportunities for individuals with strong problem-solving, communication, and game design skills. By building a portfolio, networking, gaining experience through opportunities uncovered on Hitmarker, and staying current with industry trends, aspiring systems designers can pave their way towards a successful and rewarding career in this exciting and rapidly growing field.