Hire with Hitmarker

We post the most video game industry jobs, attract the most monthly users, and have the largest candidate database. Post your game jobs with us and find great people for your growing team.

Single Job
from ${ formatPrice(99) }}
Get Started
Fill in a short form and see your job go live in minutes.
  • Get 28 days on our busy jobs feed and reach 250,000+ monthly unique users.
  • Receive applications wherever you like to keep your hiring activity streamlined.
  • Manage your job through our secure hiring dashboard and close it when you fill it.
Multiple Jobs
from ${ formatPrice(193) }}
Get Started
Save time and money with our brand-new solution.
  • Get all the benefits of posting single jobs without needing to copy/paste descriptions.
  • Share the links to your job descriptions and we’ll post them all on your behalf.
  • Earn a stacking 2.5% discount on each job you post and on any boosts you add.
  • Pre-pay for future job posts to take advantage of bigger savings and reduce admin.
Full Service
from ${ formatPrice(1000) }} per month
Book a Call
Let us take care of finding the people you want.
  • Share the link to your careers page and our team will add all of your jobs to Hitmarker.
  • Anything you update on your careers page will be reflected on our platform within a day.
  • We’ll add new jobs, close expired ones, and update descriptions/locations/closing dates.
  • Earn a 50% discount on every new job we add for you and any boosts you select.
  • Also get a 50% discount on all eight of our impactful employer branding options.
Job Boosts
Fully boosted listings achieve up to 4x the reach of basic listings.
Sticky  (from ${ formatPrice(79) }} per job)
We’ll pin your job to the top of our main page and every relevant search page.
Email  (from ${ formatPrice(59) }} per job)
We’ll send your job to the inboxes of 50,000+ games industry job hunters.
LinkedIn  (from ${ formatPrice(59) }} per job)
We’ll promote your job to our 55,000+ professional followers and the rest of LinkedIn.
Twitter  (from ${ formatPrice(49) }} per job)
We’ll share your job with our 45,000+ engaged followers and the rest of gaming Twitter.
Highlight  (from ${ formatPrice(49) }} per job)
We’ll make your job stand out on the main page and every relevant search page.