Finance Jobs in the Video Game Industry: The Ultimate Quick Guide

Finance Jobs in the Video Game Industry: The Ultimate Quick Guide


The video game industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years, making it a desirable career destination for many finance professionals. From financial analysts to CFOs, the gaming industry offers a variety of roles to those with the right skills and experience. This article explores the different finance jobs available in the video game industry, as well as tips on how to break into this exciting field.

Understanding the Role of Finance in the Video Game Industry

  • The finance function plays a crucial role in the success of any gaming company. Finance professionals are responsible for managing the financial health of the organization, ensuring that projects are adequately funded, and analyzing the financial performance of games and other products. Some of the key areas where finance professionals contribute to the video game industry include:

  • Budgeting and forecasting: Finance professionals are responsible for creating and managing budgets for game development projects, marketing campaigns, and other initiatives. This includes forecasting revenues, expenses, and cash flow, as well as tracking actual performance against projections.

  • Financial analysis: Financial analysts help evaluate the profitability of new game concepts, assess the financial performance of released games, and identify opportunities for cost savings or revenue growth. They also provide insights into the competitive landscape and industry trends.

  • Accounting and financial reporting: Finance professionals are responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and producing financial statements in accordance with accounting standards. This includes managing accounts payable and receivable, preparing tax filings, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

  • Strategic planning and decision-making: Finance professionals play a key role in shaping the strategic direction of gaming companies, providing financial insights to support decision-making at all levels of the organization.

Exploring Finance Jobs in the Video Game Industry

The gaming industry offers a wide range of finance roles, including but not limited to:

  • Financial Analyst: Financial analysts are responsible for analyzing financial data, forecasting financial performance, and making recommendations for investment decisions or cost-saving measures.

  • Finance Manager: Finance managers oversee the financial operations of a gaming company or a specific business unit, managing budgets, financial reporting, and strategic planning.

  • Controller: Controllers are responsible for managing the accounting function within a gaming company, ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance with accounting standards and regulations.

  • CFO (Chief Financial Officer): The CFO is a senior executive responsible for overseeing the financial strategy and operations of a gaming company, providing financial leadership and ensuring long-term financial stability.

  • Financial Planner: Financial planners work with gaming companies to develop long-term financial plans and strategies, considering factors such as market trends, company growth objectives, and risk management.

  • Treasury Analyst: Treasury analysts manage cash flow, investment strategies, and risk management for gaming companies, ensuring that financial resources are available when needed and that the company's assets are protected.

  • Tax Accountant: Tax accountants are responsible for preparing and filing tax returns for gaming companies, ensuring compliance with tax regulations and identifying opportunities for tax savings.

Breaking into the Video Game Industry: Tips for Finance Professionals

If you're a finance professional looking to transition into the gaming industry, consider the following tips to increase your chances of success:

  • Develop a solid understanding of the gaming industry: Research industry trends, attend gaming events, and familiarize yourself with popular games and platforms. This knowledge will help you better understand the unique financial challenges and opportunities in the gaming sector.

  • Network with industry professionals: Attend gaming conferences, join online forums, and connect with professionals in the gaming industry through social media platforms like LinkedIn. Building relationships with industry insiders can help you uncover job opportunities and gain valuable insights into the sector.

  • Highlight relevant experience: Tailor your cover letter and résumé to emphasize any experience you have in the gaming industry or in sectors with similar characteristics, such as entertainment or technology. This may include experience working on financial aspects of software development, digital marketing campaigns, or managing intellectual property rights.

  • Pursue relevant education and certifications: While a degree in finance or accounting is often a prerequisite for finance jobs in the gaming industry, additional qualifications such as an MBA or certifications like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) can help set you apart from other candidates.

  • Develop transferable skills: Showcase skills that are relevant to both finance and gaming, such as data analysis, project management, or risk assessment. Demonstrating your ability to apply your finance expertise within the context of the gaming industry can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

  • Consider entry-level positions or internships: If you're struggling to break into the gaming industry as a finance professional, consider applying for entry-level positions or internships to gain valuable experience and build connections within the industry. This can help you build a foundation for a more specialized finance role in the future and you can often find these on Hitmarker.

  • Showcase your passion for gaming: Employers in the gaming industry are often looking for candidates who are passionate about the sector. Highlight your interest in gaming on your resume and during interviews, and be prepared to discuss your favorite games, platforms, and industry trends.


The video game industry presents exciting opportunities for finance professionals looking to build a rewarding career in a rapidly growing sector. By understanding the role of finance within the industry, exploring the different job opportunities available, and following the tips above to break into the sector, you can position yourself for success in the gaming industry's finance world. Don't hesitate to pursue your passion and combine your financial expertise with your love for gaming, as this unique combination can lead to a fulfilling and dynamic career. Click here to see all of the available finance roles in the industry.