Coaching Jobs in the Video Game Industry: The Ultimate Quick Guide



The video game industry is a rapidly growing and diverse sector, offering a wide range of career opportunities for individuals with various skills and backgrounds. One area that has seen significant growth in recent years is the field of coaching, which includes roles such as esports coach, performance coach, and game-specific coach. This article will delve into the different coaching jobs in the video game industry, the skills required, and how to get started.

The Role of Coaches in the Video Game Industry

Coaches in the video game industry are responsible for helping players and teams improve their performance and achieve their goals, both in competitive esports and in casual gaming settings. They work closely with players to identify areas of improvement, develop strategies, and provide guidance on gameplay mechanics, tactics, and communication. Coaches must have excellent communication, leadership, and game knowledge, as well as the ability to adapt their coaching methods to a diverse range of players.

Different Coaching Jobs in the Video Game Industry

  • Esports Coach: Esports coaches work with professional or amateur esports teams, helping them improve their performance and achieve their competitive goals. They must have a deep understanding of the specific game, as well as strong analytical and leadership skills.

  • Performance Coach: Performance coaches focus on helping individual players or teams improve their gameplay skills, communication, and decision-making. They must have a strong background in coaching, as well as an understanding of player psychology and motivation.

  • Game-Specific Coach: Game-specific coaches specialize in coaching players in a particular game or genre, such as first-person shooters, fighting games, or real-time strategy games. They must have a deep understanding of the mechanics, tactics, and strategies of their chosen game, as well as strong coaching and communication skills.

Skills Required for Coaching Jobs

  • Communication: Excellent communication skills are essential for coaches in the video game industry, as they need to effectively convey information and engage with their players.

  • Leadership: The ability to lead, motivate, and inspire players is crucial for coaches, as their success depends on their ability to help players improve and achieve their goals.

  • Game Knowledge: A deep understanding of the video game industry, its trends, and its players is essential for coaches to effectively guide and mentor their players.

  • Adaptability: Coaches must be able to adapt their coaching methods to accommodate a diverse range of players and stay current with industry trends and developments.

  • Analytical Skills: Strong analytical skills are important for coaches, as they need to assess player performance, identify areas of improvement, and develop strategies to address these issues.

Educational Background and Experience

While there is no formal education requirement for coaching jobs in the video game industry, many coaches have backgrounds in education, sports coaching, or psychology. In addition, coaching roles often require experience in the specific game or genre, as well as a strong understanding of player psychology and motivation. Aspiring coaches should focus on building a strong portfolio that showcases their coaching skills and game knowledge, as well as gaining practical experience through internships and part-time/freelance work on Hitmarker, or volunteering at your institution while studying.

Tips for Breaking into Coaching Careers in the Video Game Industry

  • Build Your Portfolio: Create a comprehensive portfolio that demonstrates your coaching skills and game knowledge. Include examples of your work, such as coaching sessions, game analyses, or strategy guides, along with testimonials from players or colleagues.

  • Network: Build relationships with other professionals in the industry by attending events, joining online forums, and engaging in social media groups. Networking can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights from industry veterans.

  • Gain Experience: Acquire practical experience through internships, freelance work, or volunteering in coaching or related roles. This will not only help you develop your skills but also provide you with valuable contacts and references in the industry.

  • Tailor your applications: When applying for coaching jobs in the video game industry, make sure to customize your resume and cover letter to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific company and position. Nobody likes a copy/paste application.

  • Stay Current: Keep up-to-date with industry trends, techniques, and developments by reading articles, watching webinars, and participating in online discussions. Continuously improve your skills and expand your knowledge by taking courses, workshops, or attending industry events.

  • Be Persistent: Breaking into the video game industry can be challenging, but persistence is key. Continue developing your skills, learning from feedback, and improving your portfolio to increase your chances of success.


Coaching jobs in the video game industry offer a diverse range of opportunities for individuals with strong communication, leadership, and game knowledge. By building a portfolio, networking, gaining experience through roles found on Hitmarker, and staying current with industry trends, aspiring coaches can pave their way towards a successful and rewarding career in this exciting and rapidly growing field.